Monday, January 15, 2007

One year check-up

Double A is the man! Today AA went for his one year check up. At the check up he had to give blood. Did this scare him? Why no!!! He watched as the RN pricked his finger and placed his blood in the vile. Not a peep, not wimper, and not a flinch was felt. He did great. However, when he recieved his shots, he let out an awful scream. It seemed to be the result of being held down more than the shot itself. The results of the measurements are as follows. He is in the 65th percentile in height (30 1/4 inches), 50th percentile in weight (23lbs) , and the 90th percentile in head size (does it really matter). My son has a big brain!!! All in all, mom, dad, and son had a successful trip to the doctor. Check back for the on going saga of learning to walk.

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