Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Screen Caps

Waiting is hard to do!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Roll Tide Roll

After a very bad decade, it seems that order has been restored. I have never been to Pasadena California, but to attend the BCS National Championship would be the perfect reason to go. At this point, it is such a pipe dream, we'll see!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Things are well. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Disney World the Return

A 4, a 3, a 1, and 6 week old on this trip. CRAZY huh. It was fun none the less.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Raising two boys, should be an exciting adventure!

Friday, August 14, 2009


August 13, 2009 at 441 am, we welcomed a brand new baby boy to the family and the world. Big brother is beside himself and mom is recovering nicely. Labor and delivery went well and fast, thank goodness for mom. Son arrived purple and hairy. If you don't know, God answers prayers and is faithful through trails and troubles. Despite my failures and shortcomings, Jesus continues to show favor on me as well as my family. What a blessing the day was and I look forward to watching him grow.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The End...of year 1!

Whoa! The year has flown by, but only after Spring Break. At the present, I want to return. (talk to me in 10-15 years) I was talking with a coworker who has been teaching for...over 40 years, and she said, " I am still trying to figure out where this school year went." I look forward to that as far as school teaching, but I dread it when I think about my own children. 'Cherish the moments' is a comment that is really taking root in my personal life. I plan to update the blog as I will have time during the summer, check back soon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Playset

Jackpot! After a nine hour build process, AA has the ultimate playground/slide/swingset for a three year old. Daddy's soreness is wearing off and yesterday AA was able to climb and swing and embrace the set as any preschooler should. Stay tuned as I am sure there will be stories to tell about his adventures in the back yard.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Mark!

Today is the Love of my life's birthday! I love him more each day, I still remember him walking into my 9th grade
class!!!! Wow, still hot as ever!!!
Thankful to the Lord for bringing us together.
Happy Birthday to my love and the father of my children. You are just so awesome and my best friend.
I love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Building a vocabulary

Listen to this exchange that my son and I had the other day. You may need to turn the volume up to hear it clearly. My use of the word "fit" rather perplexed his young mind.

My Little Helper

Soon to be helper (s)
He loves to help daddy build. We bought a new swing set and everyday so far he asks me if we can put it together. Never a dull moment!

Baby #2 update

It has been officially confirmed to be a human boy. Yesterday was another check-up and the parts list was checked and rechecked. Lips-nose-check. Five fingers and toes-check. Heart valves, blood flow, and positioning all checked out as well. He currently weighs in at 1lb and skull, abdomen, and length all check in as average and healthy. We currently sit at 21 weeks with the due date remaining August 23, 24, or 25th. A middle name that we are pleased with still eludes us but we are pretty sure of the first name. All in all, things are going well and each visit yields positive information. Check back at a later date for more information.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A brand new...

BOY! Really unbelievable! We are very excited about this development. The latest visit to the doctor showed a heartbeat of 154 bpm. All systems are a go. To be continued...

My Little Bracketologist

Check back to see his results.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still like my iphone

Just an update on my iphone. I still like it and my wife has one too. Some apps are poor while others are unbelievable. For instance, this one, ColorSplash. It allows you to take pictures taken with the phone or any other camera for that matter and isolate parts for a cool effect. I know, you can do that with Photoshop, but this is so much easier and faster. Take a look, pretty cool!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All-Star Mom/Wife

Pregnancy is no match for my wife! Let me put it to you this way: full-time mom, full-time wife, full-time employee. Three jobs, one tiny salary. I owe her a ton of thanks for working when she would rather be in our home raising our soon to be child(ren). Thanks

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update on baby (To be named Later)

Our visit to the doctor yesterday yielded consistent results. We were able to hear the heartbeat again ( always a comforting sound). I know why Tom Cruise bought an ultrasound machine, but he is still insane. If we were able to have confirmation daily, the whole process would be so much more relaxing. As it is, we will settle for visits to the doctor every two weeks. The heartbeat was estimated to be at 150 bpm. Very strong! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Handshake, Hug, and a Kiss goodnight

Night after night, AA crawls into bed, only to crawl back out to find me, his father. With a pregnant wife, she seems to hit a wall around 800pm every night. This subsequently has become AA bedtime. However, he rarely stays in the bed for long. Over the last 2 weeks he has started getting out of bed and coming to me for his handshake, hug, and kiss. Sometimes the handshake is a high-five. This has become a ritual. I try to head him off by giving him all three as I tuck him in and after we say our prayers, but that is a futile action. AA seems so big when he shakes my hand but quickly is my little boy as he hugs my neck tightly and issues my peck on the cheek.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Things are well. AA is three and never met a moment of silence he couldn't disturb, eats more than his mother who is eating for two, and constantly questions everything making the mundane, curious. We are planning a trip back to Disney. The thought of returning is magical in and of itself, but to return with a brother or sister, grandmother and grandfather, 2 cousins and an aunt and uncle are a little to much to bear at the moment. October is a long way off! Life is good and Spring is right around the corner. I am looking forward to my days off with him in the summer. So far this career change is paying off. As soon as I am 110% sure about the thing for next year (currently about 93% sure of my return), life will be grand. Keep us in your prayers as we plan for the new addition. Healthy Healthy Heathly Healthy and more health is our prayer for mommy and the baby. Until next time...

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Weather is Changing...

A little rest.

We were able to get out this afternoon and have a little fun. AA enjoyed a little Spring training on his swing. Take a look.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yes its true

Another baby on the way. We have not made it this far since our son was born. There have been 4 that we lost, so this is a big deal as always. Keep this child and us in your prayers. More information to come!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


We just returned from the circus and it was awesome! For me this was my first time. Yes I am 30 and have never been. Okay I get it, why? Never mind that, no matter how old you are, there is something to get out of the circus. The animals, the the comedy, the high wire acts, and even magic tricks and motorcycle stunts were unbelievable. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and best of all it was free. Give it a try sometime, it will surprise you. As a note, this was merely a one ring circus, but it was fantastic none the less.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Remember When

Well, with temperatures returning to the low 50's today, I thought it only fitting to remember days gone by (3 days ago). The view was awesome, oh well!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold Air

5 degrees, 9 degrees, 15 degrees? How cold will it get? No matter how cold, without snow, who cares. I do not subscribe to global warming, but the last significant snow fall was is 1993. The snow fell and remained for several days or even weeks. I remember that it was around the time of our first HS baseball game and the snow was piled up in the outfield next to the fence. Anything since then falls and melts within a couple of hours. I hope that something white arrives because I want my son to see it and experience it. We shall see!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Check it out!

Check out the video to the left of this post. I wish I had the money to actually follow through with such an event. At any rate, my son turns 3 today. WOW! If we know you, (i'm bragging) you know what a great kid he is. If i do not know you, well, trust me he is awesome and a very delightful toddler. I look forward to sharing a lot of memories with him, including a return trip to Disney World!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Iphone applications

With a lot of time over Christmas break, I spent some time looking through the applications store on my Iphone (mainly late at night after AA and RA bed down). Now most apps are hit or miss. It is so impossible to get a good feel for the reviews because, face it, there are a lot of jaded individuals among us. However, I came across one that should be mentioned. If you have not used the iphone, let me tell you that the camera stinks. However this little app ramps up its potential. It is called Pano. It lets you take a series of shots and then fuses them into one cohesive panoramic shot. It is very cool. Take a look.

Salsarita's: You may ask, where are the people? It was 1045am on Sunday, not a lot of mexican diners at that time.

This is my classroom at work, and yes it is that big. 26 17" Macs in a former band room.

As the weather clears I will post some better shots.