Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's over!

Yes it's over... we have moved. We are in the middle of staying with my parents(ra) because we can not move into our new house until July. What a crazy week of moving, trying to finish and did just one hour before our closing. It was sad to leave the house for the last time, we did bring our son home there. We have had great memories too with him crawling, walking, and just being a kid there. We are excited about a new chapter, new house and new area. We are praying that our next house will be a house of praise to God and place where we will continue to raise our son and teach about Jesus.

Speaking of being over, the end of week we spent with rach's high small group girls at a cabin in the Smokies, it was a graduation gift. They are all leaving for college and starting their lives with completely different directions. I pray that they will continue to grow in their relationship with Christ, they will seek His face and become godly women. I love them and will miss them. Congratulations girls! You did it!

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