Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Iphone applications

With a lot of time over Christmas break, I spent some time looking through the applications store on my Iphone (mainly late at night after AA and RA bed down). Now most apps are hit or miss. It is so impossible to get a good feel for the reviews because, face it, there are a lot of jaded individuals among us. However, I came across one that should be mentioned. If you have not used the iphone, let me tell you that the camera stinks. However this little app ramps up its potential. It is called Pano. It lets you take a series of shots and then fuses them into one cohesive panoramic shot. It is very cool. Take a look.

Salsarita's: You may ask, where are the people? It was 1045am on Sunday, not a lot of mexican diners at that time.

This is my classroom at work, and yes it is that big. 26 17" Macs in a former band room.

As the weather clears I will post some better shots.

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