Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Things are well. AA is three and never met a moment of silence he couldn't disturb, eats more than his mother who is eating for two, and constantly questions everything making the mundane, curious. We are planning a trip back to Disney. The thought of returning is magical in and of itself, but to return with a brother or sister, grandmother and grandfather, 2 cousins and an aunt and uncle are a little to much to bear at the moment. October is a long way off! Life is good and Spring is right around the corner. I am looking forward to my days off with him in the summer. So far this career change is paying off. As soon as I am 110% sure about the thing for next year (currently about 93% sure of my return), life will be grand. Keep us in your prayers as we plan for the new addition. Healthy Healthy Heathly Healthy and more health is our prayer for mommy and the baby. Until next time...

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