Wednesday, May 7, 2008

God's will (my Isaac)

I just came home from my ladies small group from church. I must say that tonight was a difficult class, only because of the chapter in the book that we have been reading. We are reading Satisfy my Thirsty Soul by Linda Dillow. It is a very good book, but I must say, it will open your eyes and make you look deep into your heart. I needed this, especially during this difficult time in my life. Sorry, I am getting to my point. Anyway, the chapter this week was about bowing my will, my will verses God's will. In the chapter she talks about Abraham and his desire for God's will, whatever the cost might be. It is taken from the book of Genesis when God asks Abraham to take Isaac to be used for a scarifice. Let me say as a parent, this is heart wrenching, unbearable to think of, but Abraham was willing to do it. He was going to sacrifice his son, trusting that God knew what he was doing. All of my life I have heard this story, but never from the perspective of Isaac. He was old enough to carry the wood, old enough to know there was no sacrifice with him and Abraham, but my heart broke when he probably knew that he was going to be the sacrifice. My heart broke, I just cried as I was reading this part, the fact that he probably understood what taking place and questioning his father as he tied him to the altar. This had to be heartbreaking for Abraham and Isaac too. There have been some tough times in my life, but I can thing of none in comparison. It makes me also think about God giving up His only son for me, I do not deserve it. He sacrificed His son and asked us each day to give up our wills and lives to live for Him. The chapter concludes about us giving up our wills for God, taking a look from another perspective. God is in control and He knows what is best for us, we have to trust Him, even when life does not seem fair or we are not sure what is going to happen. There was a question in the chapter that just hit me hard... what or who is your Isaac? What do I need to sacrifice to bow my will(anything that takes the place of God or what is Lordship in my life)? Wow! I know that this past year I have been consumed with wanting another child, but I had to let go and give it God. When I do not understand why things are the way they are, I have to trust God. He is my hope, strength, my life. I know that He is taking care of things. I pray that if you have any Isaac's in your life, you will seek God and bow to His will.


Ashley Jessie said...

Wow! I was right there with you reading this chapter and discussing it..........It is as powerful as your beautiful words describe. Sometimes we forget that God needs to be in complete control of our life. This chapter spoke right to me as well....we all need to hear it. God bless you Rachel!! You are a wonderful sister in Christ.

April Lyda said...

Rachel, thank you for this blog. I love you.