Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Here we go again...

Well most of you know already but we are expecting another baby this year. As of last week RA was six weeks along in the pregnancy. Much like last time, we found out very early on so it is going to be a while. Our kids will be 22 months apart when the new child arrives sometime in late October. Feel free to make donations.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Hard to explain

This weekend was the first time that I had spent any amount of time away from my son. I left him with the sitter at 9am Thursday morning and didn't get to see him again until Saturday night/Sunday morning at 1245am. It might have been easier if he could have talked over the phone, but then again he would have been able to say, " I miss you." That would have stunk. At any rate, I enjoyed my time away but was joyful upon my return. While I was away, I attended a youth conference in Ozark, Missouri. That is about 35 minutes away from Branson if you are not a travel attraction aficionado. While I was there I experience somewhat of a rejuventation regarding my faith, my family, and my role in life. It was a really cool experience. I am not one to shamelessly plug something unless I know about it but you need to check out James River Assembly of God church. They are doing some incredible things in Missouri and around the USA. All in all, the trip was much needed but it would have been better to have my wife and kid there.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Growing, Growing, Grown

AA is seemingly growing before our very eyes. He has mastered the walking and is now speeding up a little bit to a mild jog/sprint. He is starting to point and talk about everything, but it is still barely understandable. Saying all that, I can't believe how quickly it has went from learning to roll over to walking. I still can't believe I am a father, and will be married 7 years in December. Things are changing quickly and I recommend that you try it, its a blast!!!!
Just something fun. I found my clothing line on the internet. If you have never googled yourself, give it a try. There are some really interesting stuff about you out there.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Never Leave Home without it!!


Talkative and Full of Energy

AA has hit a spurt where he is very loud and boisterous. I know he is saying something to me, I just can't make out what it is. This morning he woke up at 530AM sharp. Unfazed, he played in his bed until finally getting louder and louder and louder. We then went into the living room where he proceeded to pick up where he had left of the night before. Every item, every toy was again dragged out into the floor for proper inspection. The ride to day care was no different. He talked and yelled and then talked some more. We feel as though he may be a talker when he grows up!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I want everyone in the world to know how much I love my husband. I love you Mark. I thank God that he gave me such a wonderful husband. I pray each day for you. I pray for Austin that he will grow in God's wisdom and understanding and the Lord will bless him one day with a wonderful, loving wife and that she will be his valentine.

I love you Valentine!
Your wife,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Adventures of Lil' Quad

We took AA into the streets and let him ride his little 4x4. It was one of the funniest things to see. He had a blast and he thought he was the coolest kid on the streets. Stay tuned for some pictures of that adventure.

Monday, February 12, 2007

429, 712, 644

Check out this website and try it. You aren't as poor as you think you are!!!

Laidback weekend

This weekend was reasonably low key. For the first time in a long time, we had no plans, no deadlines, or no where to be. In fact, it was so low key that as of 3pm on Saturday afternoon, AA/RA/MA hadn't even changed out of our pajamas! This turned out to be a great break from the norm. AA has had a runny nose and the cold air has chapped his cheeks. As a result, we kept him in all day on Sunday. Tonight is Monday night, and HEROES comes on. Maybe this will be low key Monday as well.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Cool watches

I like watches! Here are a couple of cool concepts.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Recently we had the chance to purchase a 55" television. AA loves it, RA likes it, and I enjoy the options it provides between movies, television, and Xbox. Shows are more fun to watch, little Einsteins are now big Einsteins, and I feel like I am helping the investigation when we watch CSI-whatever. Which brings me to the point of this entry. Through the week we have a few nights of the week that we like to sit down and watch our favorite shows together. On mondays we generally try to watch HEROES as AA winds down. On Wednesday, we now will watch LOST as it has returned. We are becoming a little skeptical regarding its direction, but we are hanging on. Thursdays, we tend to share. First I watch SMALLVILLE and then RA has to watch GREY'S ANATOMY. Everyday, however, AA has to catch LITTLE EINSTEINS but we all enjoy the theme music! Between church, school, basketball league, and life we generally catch them all. I just can't bring myself to get a TIVO. Maybe later!!!

Monday, February 5, 2007


Well the superbowl came and went. We watched it on our 55inch big screen and in high definition. However, most of the time the game was on, we watched our son drive his lil' quad 4 wheeler he got for Christmas. On this night, he figured out how to press the button and drive it on his own. He isn't real good at avoiding walls, chairs, feet, knees, and shins, but he can drive it. Walking is getting better and he is increasingly more interested in every drawer we have in the kitchen. By the way, the kid in the picture isn't our AA.

Friday, February 2, 2007


It has finally arrived!!! AA is walking. Well, really he is becoming increasingly more interested in it on a daily basis. Over the past few weeks he has went from taking one step to now taking as many as he wants before he plops down and crawls after losing interest in the moment. Mom and I are encouraging him daily as we are continuing to walk upright around the house. AA is getting closer day after day. Recently he has learned to blow kisses and wink. He tilts his head to the side and winks both eyes. Most of the time he does this at waitresses!!! At any rate, he is saying things more clearly as becoming increasingly more verbal. Things are great. We are so fortunate to have this little bundle of joy.