Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Growing, Growing, Grown

AA is seemingly growing before our very eyes. He has mastered the walking and is now speeding up a little bit to a mild jog/sprint. He is starting to point and talk about everything, but it is still barely understandable. Saying all that, I can't believe how quickly it has went from learning to roll over to walking. I still can't believe I am a father, and will be married 7 years in December. Things are changing quickly and I recommend that you try it, its a blast!!!!
Just something fun. I found my clothing line on the internet. If you have never googled yourself, give it a try. There are some really interesting stuff about you out there.

1 comment:

April Lyda said...

I googled my name and didn't find a whole lot of interesting things out about myself. However, I did find a website by a cartoonist named Mark Anderson. Also Charles' cousin wanted me to mention the website to you - he said you would like it. Hope all is well. Give a call!